Kamis, 21 April 2011

4 Tips Before Enrolled to an Online Degree Programs

This story came from my friend; she is a housewife with 2 children under 5 years old. Once, before she got married she was working as a clerk at a local bank. Then, she quit her day job after she had a baby. Now, after her kids have grown up, she wants to come back to work. However, she wants a job that fits with her desire and she wants a daily job that don't need her present all day long in office. She wants to be a remote worker or as a freelancer in a web design company. The kind of job that she dreams of for a long time.

Unfortunately, she lack of competency for working at web Design Company. Therefore, she must upgrade her educational degree. After a lot of consideration, she decided to go back to school to take a degree in web design. But she has another problem, if she study in a conventional collage, she must leave her children daycare to a nanny which is the last thing she consider.

After taking a lot of researching on the internet, she decides to take an online degree programs in web designs on a well-known collage in the USA. The power of the Internet helps her to pursuit her dreams. The dream of having a job as she desires by fulfilling its job competency.

If you have the same situation as like my friend does or you want to have a degree from an online university, I have several tips for you before choosing which university or college to register.

1. Motivation.

You must have a huge motivation for studying on an online schooling. It because there is no one will help or encourage you to study beside yourself. One good reason will motivated you to finish your study for obtain a degree that you have chosen before.

2. Desire.

You have to know what your desire first before choosing a major. When you studying something with desire, you will love what you do. Then, study is not a burden for you. You will pass the studying years with fun and happiness.

3. Expenses.

School expenses or tuition is a major thing you have to consider before enroll into an online college/university. The money that you have sometimes doesn't fit with the tuition of the online degree programs that you want to enroll. However, now these days almost all-online college/university has student financial advisor. Their job is assisting the students that have enrolled but need a loan or scholarship to cover the school expenses. Usually, the advisor and the student, together looking after the financial institution at Federal Student Aid College Finder (http://studentaid2.ed.gov/gotocollege/collegefinder/advanced_find.asp )

4. Accreditation.

You must carefully choose an online degree program, because a fake online college was defrauding many people. You must look at the list of accredited online degree program at National Accreditation Board.

Those are the things to consider before enrolled into online degree programs. You have to do a lot of research and ask so many questions to their customer service regarding to the program that you want to enroll.

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

How to Find Chemistry Homework Help

In the past, back when I was a student, finding tutor who can help me solving homework was difficult. It is like trying to get help when you are lost in the forest. However, now is the time of the internet, when almost every information and help can find in a simple of a mouse clicks. So is homework help, we can find this kind of service all over the world through the internet in the comfort of our home. These services will help the students to solve homework problem in almost in every lesson that exist, including chemistry.

If your children need help to solve their chemistry homework, you should consider getting the service from the online chemistry homework help provider. They will assist the student to understand the composition, structure, properties and chemical reaction.

Chemistry help divide in 3 categories:

  1. Organic Chemistry

    Organic chemistry helps the student to understand in depth about the history of organic chemistry, characterization, properties, nomenclature, classifications of organic chemistry, organic synthesis and organic reactions.

  2. Inorganic chemistry

    This subject described the properties and behavior of inorganic chemistry. Inorganic chemistry covers all chemical compounds except the many organic compounds.

  3. Physical chemistry

    I this subject the students will learn deep information's about physical chemistry. Physical chemistry is the study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of physical laws and concepts. It applies the principles, practices and concepts of physics such as motion, energy, force, time, thermodynamics, quantum chemistry and dynamics.

Note: Physical chemistry is different from Physic science, if you need assistance about how to understand more Physic science, you should register to physics helps and physics homework help service.

All the chemistry help service will cost you low monthly fee. I think the fee is too low if it considering with the services that they provide. If there was online homework help like this when I was a student, maybe I could get good grade for the complicated lesson like chemistry, math and physic.

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Online Tutoring Service

I like to review online services all around the web that I can find. From the web hosting services to online tutorial services. In this post, I would like to review an online tutoring service that I found yesterday. It called tutornext, which proclaimed to be the best tutoring services on the web.

Tutornext provide one on one tutoring service for students that need help to solve and to understand more about the lesson in their school. It has large tutor that available for the member in almost any time.

Tutornext has wide range of study, which students can choose which lesson that they want to be tutor. Let say that the student need helps for solving their math homework, they can log in to the Tutornext site and contact their online tutor to help the math questions. It is like having private tutor that ready to help the lesson problems at anytime. And because its wide range of lessons that they provided, Tutornext can help students from simple questions such as: how to divide, understanding what is prime numbers and what is standard form to complicated assignment and lesson such as: algebra (and pre algebra help), algebra equations and linear equations.

Moreover, the best part is that all that excellent services are available for affordable price. I think the services is good for all the students that having problem for their school lessons and assignments, it because of their online tutors and its cheap rate for the service. If you interested, just go and see it for yourself at www. tutornext.com.

This post brought to you by tutornext.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

How Can Online Tutoring Services Help Students Understanding Algebra?

Computers are often used to complete homework ...Image via Wikipedia

Math has always been a burden for many students. Students usually have hard time understanding math especially algebra. However, If the students assisted by a good guidance, obviously it will not be an obstacle anymore for their Algebra grade.

An online algebra tutoring service can help the students in getting over with the difficulties in the subject. They will assist the students in personal attention that will make them understand the concept of algebra in detail. In the end, solving algebra problems will not daunting job for the students. Then, you might ask what kind of method that the online tutoring service gives to help students understanding algebra anyway?

As you know, algebra is dividing in two stages of lessons, which are algebra 1 and algebra 2. They delivered different subject deepness, although the fundamental subject is the same. Because of that, the algebra tutoring is dividing into 2 categories too, which are:

1. Algebra 1 Help. This kind of category is for K-12 students that need an extra lesson for algebra. The tutor will help the students understanding algebra concept and they help the students doing their algebra 1 homework too. They guarantee that the students will not have difficulties finding algebra 1 answers if the students purchase their tutoring service.

2. Algebra 2 Help. This tutoring category is for college students. The tutor will not only explaining the algebra 2 concept but they help the students doing their homework and assignment. With their help, the students will get algebra 2 answers with no time boundaries.

If you need help understanding algebra lesson, the online tutoring service might be the answer for you. There are so many tutoring services around the web just be careful choosing one and good luck.

This post brought to you by tutornext.com

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Selasa, 20 April 2010

6 Tips When Purchasing a Web Host

Multiple racks of servers, and how a data cent...Image via Wikipedia

If you new to online business, setting up a website is a daunting job to do. From choosing web theme throughout the creating of your site content, sometime, will make you overwhelming. Then, after your site ready to launch, another thing to be consider is choosing a hosting company for your site. There are few things to consider before purchasing web hosting service:

1. Costumer service. If you are trying to launch a web site for the first time, you may need assistance to figure out how to set up your site to the web-hosting server. Because of that, you should choose a hosting company that has good and reliable costumer support that available 24/7.

2. Honest price list. You should beware of hosting company that has hidden price for its add on features. You have to choose web hosting provider which display all of their price for each of their hosting packages.

3. Not the cheapest but the affordable one. If you have a tight budget, you should not choose a hosting company that offers you the cheapest price for their services. Most of the cheapest are not reliable and trusted (because they have hidden price). You should choose web hosting provider which charge an affordable price for the service. It means the features that they offered are suitable with the price that they charge you.

4. Security. Secured online transaction always is an issue around the costumer. Therefore, you must check the hosting company, which has security software that run on their server.

5. Control Panel Interface. The easy to use and user-friendly control panel interface is one of the issues that you have to consider. It can help you to understand how to set up your site without any hassle and confuse.

6. Costumer Reviews. You have to look around the web for web hosting reviews before you decide to choose a hosting company. You need to know what other web master said about each of hosting companies. Are they reliable, trusted and affordable? You must visit the web master forum or web hosting reviews sites to get more information about it before you make up your mind.

The information above may assist you to choose a hosting company that you suite for your need. My advice is: it is wise to compare a few hosting company first before you decide to choose one of them.

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Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Me, My Nephew, My Cousin and Algebra

Algebra is one the lesson that most of the students feared of. So is my nephew, he is struggling to find out how to understand algebra and solve algebra lesson, in other word he need algebra 1 help. He don't understand how the Exponent, Linear Equation, ratios and Polynomials works. His mother (which is my sister, of course LOL), ask me to give him a lesson about algebra 1. I have had good grade for algebra back on my school years, so I know a little bit knowledge about how to solve algebra 1 problems. However, distance and time are the problem for me to give my nephew the lesson. I have to figure out how to ease the obstacles (distance and time), it because when explaining algebra, it should explained by solving the algebra problem one by one. I guess these kinds of obstacles are not the main problem for the internet era, because the distance and time could be solved by the internet. He sends the questions via email, I reply it with the algebra 1 answer.

In other hand, my cousin John, who is entering the college, facing the same problem. He cannot understand clearly about algebra 2 lesson, then he came to me for algebra 2 help. Well, although I am not math teacher or lecture, I can explain the algebra 2 problems with the language that John understands. So, he is not looking anywhere else to find the algebra 2 answers.

This post brought to you by www.tutorvista.com

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Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Tips dan penyebab anak susah makan

Hai pa kabar :hi: , waktunya apdet blog lagi nih..kangen kalo lama-lama ditinggalin. Sekarang Kay dah gede lho, dah banyak banget tingkahnya. Lucu tapi kadang ngeselin n ngegemesin, apalagi kalo masalah makan, iiihhh Kay lagi susah makan nih pengennya mimi susu n ngemil. Masih untung juga sih ngemilnya biskuit ya…lumayan lah masih ada gizinya daripada cuma ngemil krupuk hehe.. :ahaha:

Pernah Kay ga mau makan, mimi susu atau pun ngemil, eh ternyata mau tumbuh gigi, jadi ga enak badan. So..kalo anak ga mo makan sama sekali, coba deh liat giginya atau mungkin juga sakit tenggorokan. Aku yakin deh kalau masalah anak susah makan menjadi masalah hampir semua orang tua, biasanya anak usia 1-4 tahun mengalami fase susah makan. Tinggal kita yang harus pinter dan kreatif cari cara supaya anak jadi mau makan.

Langkah awal kita harus tahu apa penyebab anak susah makan kemudian mencari cara agar anak mau makan kembali.

  1. Anak sedang sakit atau sedih

    Saat anak sedang sakit atau sedih akan kehilangan selera makannya. Untuk itu kita harus lebih peka jika anak mulai susah makan. Bawalah ke dokter atau puskesmas jika terlihat tanda-tanda sakit dan mintalah petunjuk dokter. Jika anak sedang sedih, ajaklah bicara sehingga kita tahu penyebabnya. Jangan dipaksa makan ketika anak sedang murung atau menangis.

  2. Anak bosan menu makanannya

    Coba deh list makanan atau minuman yang disukai dan yang tidak disukai si anak. Menu makanan yang itu-itu saja apalagi cara penyajian yang campur aduk antara lauk pauk membuat anak akan cepat bosan dan malas makan. Atur jadwal makanan sehari-hari min untuk 1 minggu agar ibu lebih mudah membuat variasi makanan. Terus pintar-pintar cari penggantinya misalkan anak tidak suka nasi, bisa diganti dengan roti, makaroni, bakmi dll.

    Untuk makanan yang tidak dia suka, berikan cerita-cerita yang memotivasi si anak agar mau makan. Samarkan bentuknya atau hias agar si anak tidak tahu kalau makanan yang dimakannya adalah makanan yang tidak dia suka.

  3. Anak tidak mau makan karena kenyang

    Hindari makanan snack yang mengandung padat kalori, junkfood dan kue saat menjelang jam makan, agar anak tidak kenyang ketika waktunya dia makan. Minum susu terlalu banyak bisa menyebabkan kekenyangan.

    Atur pemberian makanan selingan seperti cemilan jauh dari waktu jam makan tiba, berilah makanan cemilan yang sehat dan tidak mengandung MSG, seperti keju, yoghurt, es krim, potongan buah, sayuran kukus, atau kue-kue buatan ibu.

    Kurangi minum susu, karena untuk usia 1 tahun ke atas, susu hanya sebagai pelengkap bukan makanan utama seperti nasi dan lauk pauk.

  4. Anak mengikuti kebiasaan orang di sekitarnya

    Anak suka meniru orang-orang di sekitarnya misalnya orang tuanya, kakak, paman, bibi dst. Jadi hati-hati memberikan contoh kepada si kecil. Misalnya kebiasaan buruk orang tua yang suka makan junkfood, makan yang tidak habis, makan yang tidak teratur/malas makan (contohnya saat diet) bisa menyebabkan si anak malas makan. Kebiasaan menyuapi anak walaupun sudah besar menyebabkan si anak tidak terlatih untuk makan sendiri.

    Ubah perilaku buruk orang-orang di sekitar anak, termasuk perilaku makan. Biarkan si anak belajar untuk makan sendiri sejak dini sehingga dia akan terbiasa untuk mandiri.

    Jadi..ibu harus tetap kreatif untuk mencari variasi menu makanan, cara mengolah dan menyajikannya agar si anak suka, bina komunikasi yang baik dengan anak dan selalu bersabar...:okay:

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Photo Terbaik Kayyisa

Pertama-tama aku mau minta maaf soalnya ga pernah ngapdet blog ku tersayang ini, padahal sayang yah tanpa disangka tanpa dinyana Mbahe Google menghadiahkan PR 3 buat blognya Kayyisa ini:woooh: . Tapi tak akan lama kok soalnya aku lagi mau balik lagi ngeblog walaupun ga sesering dulu. Soalnya lagi disamping sibuk ama bisnis online aku juga lagi berencana buat bikin bisnis off line tapi masih nyari-nyari yang pas bentuk bisnisnya 9maksudnya yang pas ama kantong ku alias modal). Okeh cukup sudah cuap-cuapku hehehe..
Postingan ini hanya sekedar postingan selingan, antara postingan review ke postingan review yang lain. Biar robotnya Om Google gak negebuk PR-nya Kayyisa.:ahaha:
Dan inilah Photo-photo terbaik dari Kayyisa (biar isi postingan dianggap sama ama judulnya)

Segitu aja dulu yah besok-besok disambung lagi ama photo-photo yang lain.
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The Cheapest Online Tutoring Service

My sister, once, told me that She was confusing about choosing the right tutorial services which can help her children school's assignments. One of her children is in 7 grade, She is having trouble solving the math problems. As her mother, my sister, sometime help her solving her math homework by finding math answers for her. However, even when she find the answer; her girl still confusing about understanding the concept behind the problems. Then I suggested her to look for in the internet, because I know there are many online math tutoring services which can help her girl understanding better the math theory.

Yesterday, she called me and told me that she found an online tutoring service, which is convenient and affordable. She mentioned the name of company; tutornext.com. She believes that they can be trusted, because her daughter can contact their tutor at any time, 24/7 day. She said that tutornext also provide variety of lesson help including English Help, Precalculus help, statistics help, chemistry help and so on.

I am glad that my sister has found one of the cheapest online tutoring services, which can help her daughter for understanding her school lessons better. I am sure that my niece will get the best help the tutor and I the end she will get good grade on her exam. Still not convince to what was my sister story? Just go on browse to the tutornext site, you will find the answer for your doubt.

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Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Homework Help from Online Tutorial Service

Every child has their own gift since the day they were born. Some of them are bright, and some other maybe slow to grow. That's why they need help from their parent in every stage of their growing development. As they reach their schooling age, their gift playing the rule of their ability catching the lesson in their class. For those whose have the handicap of understanding the lesson, parents should help them doing their homework, if have the time. However, if you don't have the time, maybe you should consider to let your children join an online tutorial service. There are many online tutorials around; some of them have good services in area of homework help.

If you looking for an online tutorial service, I have a few suggestions for you:

  1. Choose an Online Tutorial Company which cover wide range of schooling age or has specialty giving an online tutorial for K-12, back to school and college student tutoring.
  2. Choose only tutoring company that has wide range area of lesson subject; from Math to English, from algebra (including equation and fractions) and from geometry to biology.
  3. Choose only tutoring company that has 24x7 hours tutor availability, therefore your child will having assistances that can solve his/her lesson problem in any time.

Therefore, now you can search for some online tutorial on the web based on what I suggested above. However, if you only want to know how to solve your children lesson, just browse throughout their web, some of them have static web pages providing lesson theories. You don't have to be confuse anymore when you children ask you some questions regarding to their homework. Just browse through online tutorial websites, you can find the answer of the question like How to simplify the algebra expressions? How to solve equations? What is quadratic Equation? And many question regarding to your children lesson can be find in their web.

Helping my girl to solve her homework sometime is a daunting moment when it comes to area of math, but now I can find the answer from the online tutorial website. Maybe I will let my girl join it, and see how it works.

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About Me

Saya adalah fulltime Mommy yang ingin berbagi cerita tentang tumbuh kembang putri tercinta Kayyisa Naura Firdaus.

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